Children's Director: Patty Mason
At Batesville First Church of the Nazarene, the Children’s Ministry is purposed to heed the command of Jesus, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)
It is our conviction that God’s call to salvation goes out to all ages and specifically children.
The call, we believe, is followed by a Christ-centered life, which is nurtured in a child by the influence of the Holy Spirit. This nurturing is accomplished by the Holy Spirit as He anoints teachers and leaders who are yielded to His authority as they disciple children.
Our desire is to support families by ministering to children. You and your children are the nucleus of the Children’s Ministry department at Batesville First Church of the Nazarene. We want to make a difference in their lives by reaching out in effective and creative ways that communicate the love of God. At BNAZ, children will feel welcomed and loved. We consider it a privilege to provide the variety of ministries that we have, as an encouragement for children to draw close to the Savior. Come and experience the joy of children as they encounter God on a personal spiritual journey!
Children’s Activities at First Church of the Nazarene
Sunday School- Sunday School Classes are offered for children 4 years and older each Sunday morning at 9:30. A well-staffed nursery is provided for children 0-3 years.
Summer Camps- Every summer our kids have the opportunity to have fun, make new friends, and grow closer to Christ, through our District Camps.
Primary Camp – Grades 1-3
Junior Camp - Grades 4-6
Children’s Church- Each Sunday morning shortly after we are dismissed from the main church, children in grades K-6 enjoy a special time of worship adapted to their interests in music, Bible stories, and activities. We have prayer requests, praise the Lord through great animated songs, take up offering, and work through our lessons together.
Trunk or Treat- Each year in October, the Children’s Ministry hosts Trunk or Treat. Many children, teens, and adults from our church participate. We wear our Halloween costumes, decorate our trunks, and pass out lots of candy in the church parking lot.